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LIFT – Business Assistance

LIFT – Business Assistance

LIFT Program – Local Initiative for Thriving

The Lift program was created to provide support to the Genoa area business community to continue to succeed. The LIFT program accepts donations of funds that will be used to assist small businesses facing financial challenges.  Our business community is LIFTing each other up so together our community can continue to thrive and remain connected.

Request Support from the LIFT Program

  • LIFT funds can be used to cover Membership dues, The Home & Business Expo, Lunch & Learns, E-Blast services or the Annual Meeting through the Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce.
  • Funds are used by request from a business that has submitted an application.
  • The application process will include what the request is for and how it will help their business.
  • Businesses applying for funds agree to speak with a representative from the Small Business Development Center.
  • 50% -100% of the total amount of cost can be covered as requested and discussed by committee.
  • Businesses applying for assistance will remain anonymous at all times.

Support the LIFT Program

  • LIFT is supported by contributions from the City of Genoa and other generous community businesses. Supporting businesses will be listed on the LIFT page on the website.
  • Supporters can make a contribution to LIFT year-round
  • Small committee makes decisions on payouts based on requests.
  • Funding will be reported on quarterly at the EDC meeting and to the Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce Board.
  • Businesses applying for assistance will remain anonymous at all times.

LIFT Application

Person Applying for Assistance(Required)
*In an effort to assist your business to succeeded, you will be contacted by a local SBDC representative regarding a free consultation.
(LIFT funds can be used to cover Membership Dues or for the Annual Meeting, The Home & Business Expo, Lunch & Learns or E-Blast services through the Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce if you are a current member)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Thank you to our Donors: City of Genoa and Meta

Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce

113 N. Genoa St Suite B
Genoa, IL 60135

Phone: 815.784.2212
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